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Efficient Snow Removal in Strathcona County, AB

At Cedar Construction Services Ltd., we understand the impact snow and ice can have on your business or property. When winter weather arrives, you can depend on us for quick, thorough snow removal in Strathcona County, AB, and surrounding areas. Our team has years of experience serving residential and commercial properties. We combine our experience with state-of-the-art equipment to eliminate snow and ice, restoring security and comfort. We’ll return your property’s full operation during the most challenging weather conditions.

bobcat vehicle dumping snow

Returning Safety and Function to Properties

Our region can become treacherous during the winter months. We see immense snow and ice buildup yearly, and removing it as quickly as possible is essential. If snow is inhibiting your property or you want to prepare your driveway or parking lot, you can rely on us. We provide our snow removal services for the following:

  • Commercial Properties: We offer snow removal to a wide range of businesses and industries, from mom-and-pop shops to commerce centers and large industrial sites.
  • Acreages: We ensure acreages and agricultural sites remain protected and useable throughout the year. You’ll be able to navigate your land during the harshest weather.

Here’s How Our Snow Removal Process Works

We conduct our snow removal services using a simple, effective three-step process. Here’s how we get snow removal jobs done right the first time:


We use our trucks, plows, and equipment to clear roadways and parking lots of built-up snow and ice.


Our team organizes snow and ice piles away from cars and driveways, streamlining the removal and disposal process.

Haul Away

Once all snow is neatly collected into piles, we will transport it away from your property and securely dispose of it in a proper area.

Commercial Sanding

We use high-powered sanding equipment and techniques to break up remaining snow and ice and make it safe to walk and drive again.

Using the Most Advanced Snow Removal Technology

Responding fast to inclement weather and snowstorms is critical to protecting properties. The crew at Cedar Construction Services Ltd. is equipped with cutting-edge weather monitoring and removal equipment. We can identify when and where a heavy snowstorm will strike. Our field and site assessment and imaging capabilities enable us to understand property layouts in complete detail. If a storm is approaching your property or posing a risk to your employees or customers, you can rely on us to respond swiftly and restore your property to safe, easily accessible condition.

Receive an Estimate From Our Team Today