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Premier Concrete Installation in Sherwood Park, AB

Cedar Construction Services Ltd. is a leading provider of concrete installation for Sherwood Park, AB, and surrounding areas. Our small, locally owned business enhances the look and function of properties. Our team is fully trained and equipped to fulfill simple and complex concrete work. From developing the initial plans, excavation, and drying and hardening the concrete, you can depend on us for excellent craft and service. Whether you need to boost structural support or an aesthetically pleasing addition to your lawn, our team will deliver optimal results.

concrete foundation for a structure

Here to Fulfill Your Concrete Construction Needs

Installing concrete and foundational structures requires thorough planning to succeed. Even smaller projects can be complex and need an adequate amount of time to get completed properly. The initial steps in the process include applying layout identifiers, excavating the land, levelling the ground, and preparing the base for the concrete installation. After the project is prepared, our crew begins pouring the concrete. We perform concrete curing to harden correctly over time, ensuring it stays durable and safe for use.

Providing Firm Foundations and Protection

We provide installations, repairs, and replacements for the following concrete structures:

Concrete Pads

We perform preparation, new installations, and removal of concrete padding. We provide firm isolated and shallow foundations for homes and businesses.

Grade Beams

Concrete grade beams support and distribute weight and load bearing evenly. Our team can install new beaming or restore and reinforce your existing systems.

Retaining Walls

Our retaining wall installations keep soil in place and prevent erosion. They can also be customized to match the aesthetics of outdoor spaces.


We design layouts and install concrete for beautiful walkways. Navigate your yard or transfer seamlessly to and from your home.


We lay concrete for small and large driveways, allowing drivers to enter and exit properties easily and safely.

Unparalleled Teamwork and Jobsite Coordination

At Cedar Construction Services Ltd., teamwork is crucial to any project on which we work. Our teamwork includes partnering with our clients, ensuring they receive an installation that meets their precise specifications. From starting to finishing projects, each crew member coordinates and communicates with one another, ensuring the job gets done on time and within budget. We’ll keep you continuously updated on your project’s progress and get the job done right the first time.

Receive an Estimate From Our Team Today