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Expert and Comprehensive General Contractors

Cedar Construction Services Ltd. is here to improve residential and commercial properties. Our team comprises electrical, HVAC, and plumbing contractors serving Sturgeon County, AB, and surrounding areas. We excel in new project builds and renovations for homes and businesses. It’s essential for your systems to run and function smoothly so you remain safe and comfortable. We’re a trusted and responsible contracting team. We’re licensed and insured and will attain the proper permits, enabling us to continue your project smoothly.

unfinished basement in large house

Professional Finished Basement Service Contractor

Your basement is among the most exciting areas of your home. It is filled with potential and can expand the amount of space you can use. We help homeowners turn their unfinished basements into comfortable places where they enjoy spending time. Insulation and waterproofing are essential to finished basement projects. We’ll begin by performing a basement rough-in, where we prepare and install your draining and plumbing systems and ensure they function smoothly. After preparing your basement’s structure, we’ll continue our work within your timeline and budget until the interior is ready to use.

Full-Service Contracting for Homes and Businesses

Our crew is trained and equipped to fulfill a wide range of home improvement services. We inspect, troubleshoot, diagnose, and fix issues regarding the following systems:


We perform all repairs, installation, and maintenance for plumbing systems, including septic tanks, water mains, and sewage systems.


Our team specializes in all heating, cooling, and ventilation systems and components, like blowers, compressors, ducts, and vents.


We handle all your electrical repair and installation needs. We provide full and partial house wiring and panelling and conduct our services safely.

Shop and Garage Construction Specialists

Home and business owners choose us for exceptionally designed and customized garages and shops. We collaborate with our clients and help them devise unique spaces that meet their needs. We develop and install separate and combination garages and shops to expand and maximize space. If you need to shelter more vehicles, want additional storage space, or want to house your tools and machinery, we’ll build a space according to your exact size and specifications.

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